Wednesday 30 March 2016

Embracing change

Working women

All this while we have been talking about SAHM ( Stay At Home Mothers ) that how are they treated in return to their 24/7 job at home which offers no Sick leave , no Medical leave , no Casual Leave , No salary . They are definitely doing a great job, looking after their home and nurturing the kids.
Working Moms get equal thrashing of going out, leaving their kids in the hands of Maids, eating outside foods or maid cooked foods.
Whenever I take my son out in the garden, I find old ladies (Read Mom in Laws) discussing how bad they feel when they see their sons eating maid cooked food. It simply makes them feel terrible to see their sons doing household chores, but what these old women don’t understand, that by going out to earn, Daughter-in-Laws are actually helping the family by being an additional bread winner, which in turn eases out the burden from son’s shoulder.
Both the Jobs (a home maker and a bread winner) are equally important. Just the perspective needs to be changed to understand.
“Very little is needed to make a Happy Life; It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking “

-----Marcus Aurelius

Smart Phones taking over us: I M SURE – MAY BE

Smart Phones taking over us: I M SURE – MAY BE: To any of the readers who have dated or dating presently, have you ever been in the relation that makes you feel unsettled or uncomfortabl...

Tuesday 22 March 2016


To any of the readers who have dated or dating presently, have you ever been in the relation that makes you feel unsettled or uncomfortable?
And if the Answer is yes, this one’s for you.
Analyze the situation and think what is it that isn’t letting you go??

Is it that you hardly have any time for yourself ,so find it difficult to give time to him/her , does it feel like he/ she is invading in your space ?Here’s the solution..

1) Do the hardest thing ever, and end the relation: - it sounds so easy to write and advice, but its one of the most difficult tasks to do. Trust me being honest always pays. You won’t have any guilt of cheating on someone or lying to yourself... You will feel relieved

2)Communicate: - Share with him / her what is it that is bothering you, if you both have good understanding and meant to be together, things will certainly work out. and be cheerful at the end whatever the outcome is

Relations aren't meant to make you feel burdened , rather they take off the burden .But if its Burdening , its time to think .

All the best !

Fell free to post your comments or questions .

Thursday 25 February 2016

Smart Phones are taking over

Smart Phone Storm

The internet has become so big so powerful and pointless that for some people it’s a complete substitute for life
----Andrew Brown

This has become a common problem in everyone’s life .

The use of this technology should have been made limited in bringing you closer to a person far from you …. But it’s taking you away from your near ones

Born and brought up in that era where we used to look forward to free moments, to spend with family but not anymore, these days we hardly cherish such priceless moments , rather we make it a point to be in constant touch with the Digital world

Technology is that queer thing that brings great gifts with one hand but slowly stabs you in the back with the other hand … Carrie Snow

We have become so addicted to our smart phones these days that even a single second without it feels like a Year
Why and when did all of this happen and it happened so quickly and so fast that we didn’t get time to set any boundaries to the use

Endless on-bed conversations between couples have been replaced with unlimited scrolling of social media apps, getting connected with digital world, seeking approval or appreciation from those whom we hardly know

Internet / Technology / Smart phones have become barriers between people and between relations, we have somehow become so convinced that checking alerts or notifications are of supreme importance irrespective of time, place or situation

Somewhere all along the way we have forgotten our real life, emotions, real happiness and priorities.

We are not realising that our obsession with this monster is eating up our relations, resulting in making our family feel unwanted which as a result is pushing them away

Why do we feel traumatic in a mobile free zone? We have it wrong all this while, ideally we should be happy and relish, rejoice and seize such moments.

As a practice, we should all make it a point to keep phones out of our lives once home and with family , after all they have all the right in the world on us . But yes , Emergency calls , they do demand our time and this classification you need to decide

Make yourself available to your real world by making yourself unavailable to the digital world.

Don't forget to share your feedback 

See you soon !!